'Tis the season!!

We have all been waiting for this event to happen. Incoming exchange students, international regular students and local students coming together to share what we like the most. Good Food and Holiday Love.

Taste the world and try new things without even leaving this town. Join us and bring a typical dish from your country/region and in exchange get to taste yummy specialities you wouldn't have tried otherwhise.

We know it is hard to be far away from your family and friends but don't you worry, your exchange family is here for you :)
Sign up for our Secret Santa and make somebody's winter holidays a little brighter by giving them a little gift.

What to do:
- Sign in the list to know who brings what
- Prepare a typical dish from your country or region (can be main course or dessert, you can also form groups)
- Dress up nicely or bring your ugliest christmas sweater, reindeer antlers or Santa Costume!
- Try to keep it warm and bring the dish to Campus G1 and let others get a taste of your home.
- Make sure you label what you brought with the Name of the dish AND a Flag to know where it is from
- Sign up for the Secret Santa and exchange gifts after our dinner 

Secret Santa: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12CEAdVuB1M4OAZK_lzOebCDgMRMdgCyN2afHEeXfMQM/viewform?c=0&w=1

Important. Information
- Tables, Chairs, Plates and Cuttleries are provided.
- Any type of alcoholic baverage is strictly FORBIDDEN!
- NO candles, NO open fire, NO heating plates, NO microwaves or similar things!
- Our Team will take care of getting you into the right mood for christmas :)
- The international department of the OEH IMC Krems kindly provides you a 50% refund on ingredients you needed to buy for your meals. Make sure you bring the correct original receipt with ONLY products for your meal on it!

18:30 - Official Beginning and Welcoming of our Guests
18;45 - Eating,Eating,Eating!
19:00 - More eating, good conversations, singing songs
20:00 - Exchanging Secret Santa gifts and more singing and dancing
21:00 - Official end of the Event

Our Team is excited to spend a nice evening together with you. Let us know if you have any questions and see you soon to mix and mingle! ♥

15/12/2015 - 18:30 to 21:00