What type of animal was inside Sputnik 2 when launched into orbit in 1957?
- Did you know that it was a dog? Congratulations! Come to our PUB QUIZ on Wednesday to prove your knowledge!

What are you going to do?
- form random teams of approximately 5 people
- answer the questions in groups - hand them in to the organiser
- WIN awesome prices!

- a team gets a point for every correct answer
- an extra question/activity after each round will be worth 2 points
- points from all rounds will be summed up at the end
- the most successful team gets the price!
- no phones
- no cheating

There're going to be 5 rounds with 10 questions each + extra questions.

Come to have fun and learn interesting facts about Austria, liquors, celebrities and much more.

Hope to see you there,
Your ESN SfS Krems team!

21/10/2015 - 20:00